Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Pictures from the Park (DownTown St. Paul)

I was directing the boys over to the big boat play-house, but when I let go of Noah’s hand, he diverted and went directly for the closest puddle of water, splashed in it, and sucked his wet fingers. Aside from telling him not to do that “yucky” thing again, I thought about his namesake and wondered (as I often do) if he liked the boats and large bodies of water…or if he quite preferred dry land.

I think that Micah was pretty overwhelmed with all of the fun looking playground equipment…so much so that he didn’t even notice the big train near the back of the playground, nor did he hear us when we told him about it right away…he’s just kind of in an excited daze.

These next three pictures capture what Noah did, in fact, spend most of his time doing and had the most squeal-inducing fun doing. Running across the bridge, going around to the starting point, and doing it again…and again…and again...

and again...

and again.

After a little direction (and prodding of Noah), I got the boys to try and climb the rope ladder to the second level of the boat. Micah really like climbing on the different things using different types of ladders or steps or whatever (as you’ll see later on).

I tried to coax Micah to pretend to drive the ship, but I guess driving isn’t that high on his priority list. Oh, how much I will long for those priorities in about 12 years. YIKES!!!

Noah is at it again...looking (or finding) water to play in.

Now, Noah found a new bridge and resumed his excited yelping and running. He's a crazy boy.

As you can probably tell, Micah was in his element with the train. He was exploring and I could just see the gears of his mind working.

Last, and certainly not least, are my two lovely ladies. Both very pretty in blue for a day at the park.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Did someone say, "jammies"?

Here are some pictures of bed-time fun with the kids. It is so fun to see the way that my boys love my daughter.... Both Micah and Noah love to hold Hannah whenever they get a chance.

Johnson Family Pictures (2 Of 2)

Johnson Family Pictures (1 of 2)