Sunday, November 30, 2008

So Many Things to be Thankful For...

Thanksgiving is always a time to look around my life and really take into account what I am blessed with and what I am thankful for. There are so many things that I feel blessed about that it is kind of hard to put them into writing…but I’ll try. So, in no particular order (except saving the best/better for the last), here is my thankfulness list for 2008:

1. I am thankful for my job. Now, because this is #1 doesn’t mean that it is the most important thing in my life. But I must say that God has truly been gracious to me with how my job life has gone. I have had the same job since I graduated from college, and although it is not a glamorous job or something that I even went to school to study for, it has allowed me many blessings. My wife stays home with our lovely children – this is a priceless benefit of any job. But that fact coupled with the fact that I leave my work at work and I work only about 40 hours per week is an immense blessing. I have the energy, time, and the sanity to pour my heart and soul into my family and my ministries. Praise God for the blessing, as long as it lasts, of the job that I have now.

2. In so many ways and for so many reasons, I am thankful for my wife. I am so thankful for her for all of the things that she does and for all of the ways that she contributes to the family. But this year, I am especially thankful for her, in a special way. This year we were able to do something that we have never been able to do before – get away for a weekend without children. I know – married for the better part of a decade is a long time to go without a vacation from the kidos. But it was during our time away that we were able to enjoy coffee without a time limit, dinner without constantly encouraging our children to actually eat their food (novel idea, I know), and hours on end of uninterrupted (even though interruptions can be, and very often are, joyous) conversation. It was so great to enjoy time with my wife just as husband and wife, not as parents, but just as the two of us. And for all of you who may have lamented about a lack of things to talk about other than children on outings like this – I can tell you that we did not suffer that problem. I love our children, but I love my wife most of all. I am so thankful to have been blessed with a lovely and beautiful bride who compliments the best things about me and corrects some of the worst.

3. I am thankful for my little daughter, Hannah. Now, she is only just under 1 ½ years old, but she is coming into her own. It is amazing to see how much of a personality you can really see in such a young child. It is cute to see that she loves to sit in her chair and look at books by herself as much as she loves to chase (to the best of her abilities) her older brothers to play with them. However, in a selfish note, I must say that I am most thankful for the way in which she says good-bye to me as I leave for work and the way in which she says hello to me as I return home. About one month ago she began to join her brothers in their silly dash to give me hugs and kisses both when I leave and arrive from work. She doesn’t much go for kissing anyone, but sure enough, if I ask her for a kiss when I get home…daddy gets a big slobbery kiss from his baby girl.

4. Noah. My sweet, loud, happy, accident-prone, unstoppable (except by stationary objects) freight-train of energy son – I am so thankful for him. So many things about this boy of mine make me smile. It is no small thing to say that he is truly a mini version of myself – in many of the good and bad ways, I might add. But one way that he is truly a blessing, and it is this that I am particularly thankful for today, is his love of all things musical. I suppose that this would be something cute in any child, but the songs that he loves and the songs that he sings are not normal children’s songs. He has been known to start singing, out of the blue, a song while we’re in the car. At night time, my boys and I will read the Bible, tell a Bible story, pray, and sing. To my frustration at times, the favorite thing that my sons like to ask is for me to sing a song that “they’ve never ever heard”. So, after exhausting a lot of songs from my youth, I sang one in particular that he really, really liked. So much so that he requested it for a while thereafter. But a few months later (it must have been) when we hadn’t sung that song with any frequency for quite a while, my son began singing this song at the top of his tone-less lungs while we were in the car. I love the fact that he loves to sing and loves music in general.

5. Micah, my oldest son – what a year have I had in regards to thankfulness with him. Micah has always been our sensitive little guy. He’s always been aware of things seemingly beyond his age. But ever since he was little, we have shared the gospel with him – day and night, in all sorts of activities, venues and opportunities. And it was only a few weeks ago that my son, on his own accord, told me that he wanted to repent of his sins and believe in Jesus. Stephanie and I have labored long and hard in sharing the gospel with him, and I was overjoyed to be able to be with him when he vocalized his desire for salvation. Time will tell of the truth of his profession and the reality of his salvation – but I praise God for his soft heart and his child like desire for salvation.

And it is in this same stream of thought that I must share the final (for this little note) things that I am thankful for:

We took a family picture in early October. It is a great family picture – if I do say so myself. But only a few days ago, Micah painted and drew a picture of our family to give to me to bring to work. That is the next picture you'll see. Now, other than the marks of a perfectionist artist (the two scribbled out characters), you may notice the fact that there are seven people on the right but only five on the left. We found out a few weeks ago that my wife is pregnant with our fifth child – yup, our fifth child. We lost our second while he (I always call that baby “he”) was in the womb. We don’t make a point of drilling that fact into our children’s heads, but whenever someone close to us has lost a child, it may come up. So as far as Micah is concerned (and me too, for that matter) we have a family of seven now; five in the picture on the left, one in heaven, and one in his mommy’s tummy. I am thankful that my son has this personal perspective on life at this age.

6. I am thankful for the blessing of yet another child. May God grant health and safety to my child now, and grant faith and repentance to this child at day in the future.

7. Above all and overflowing to all is my thankfulness to the God and Father of my LORD Jesus Christ, to His Son for His justifying work, and to the Spirit for His sanctifying work. Soli Deo Gloria.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Bible Time 08.17.08

This is a little video to warm your heart by seeing my cute little children, and a little soul warming to hear Scripture from the mouth of babes.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Micah's Night Sky

- creatd with markers by Micah. July 2008

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fun With Stickers

Both of my boys enjoy playing with almost everything, including stickers. One of them likes to play with things in a very neat and orderly fashion, and the other...not so much.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Last Weekend

So, last weekend, my folks were trying to come up to see us but they were stopped in their tracks. You see...we've been battling sickness for weeks, and I came down with the potential of getting a less-than-fun bug on Friday afternoon. Normally, it would take direct divine intervention to stop these two grandparents from seeing some of their grandchildren - especially once they are on the way. But since my dad and brother are running a 1/2 marathon (ouch...i get sore just thinking about it) this coming weekend, they didnt want to risk getting sick this close to the race.

The following video is just some random scenes from Saturday. Notice, the "musical" theme was the idea of one of the boys. So, enjoy.
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Two of my favorite parts are Noah on (or off of) the little red car, and then Noah's admonition for Micah not to sing a song. :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Anniversary Date

So, our anniversary was yesterday, but we were able to get out of the house for a little date today. So, we hemmed and hawed over what to do.... And we ended up at caribou. Go figure.

We had a simple anniversary, and the only present we got was a brand new digital camera. So, these pictures are all the product of that gift. No, it's not the special effects of the camera, my wife DOES look that good.


We sat around and talked for a while and then tried to get through a game of othello. (like the B&W and color here?)

So...a bit too much green in this otherwise colorless picture, but still a cool effect.

I took this picture for the benefit of my brother-in-law who gave me some good reading material this Christmas.

ain't he a good lookin' lil' boy.

Yes, grandma gave him a bit of hot chocolate to drink in a teeny-tiny coffee cup that she got for Christmas.

Oh, yeah...Hannah IS the cutest little girl in the world.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pics of the Fam in Feb

It is pretty cute when the boys play nice. I'm not sure what they were doing, but it looks nice.

We were trying to go to see my brother a month ago, but the flu stopped us.... But when one door is closed, the door to Chuck E Cheese's opens.

The kids had a great time eating the Pizza...

...eating the pizza...

...riding the helocopter...

...and playing a funny train game for tickets.

The next day, my folks showed up and no sooner had they gotten here than my dad and Micah went out to shovel the drive way.

Grandma and Noah

Can we still call this a "johnny jumper" when a little lady is using it???? I'll have to put some serious thought to this.

Noah loves playing hide and seek...and he loves hiding.

We were reading books was a good time. Micah was listening, Noah was playing with Hannah, and she was laughing. If Noah left her alone...she was NOT happy. He's gotta nack for caring for his sister.

Aren't they both sooooo pretty?!!!??!?