Monday, December 10, 2007

Before the snow flew...and after

I am pretty sure that this picture was taken after Thanksgiving, but I'm not for certain now.... Micah has become quite an adept climber of the tree in our front yard. And, I have been told, that the reason that he's wearing what looks to be a rastafari hat is that he "wanted to wear daddy's hat". :)

On the first snowfall of the year, and boy was it a big one, we made the unwise choice to be out and We went to the Christams tree farm that the buck family has been going to for decades. Other than the death-defying driving and the fact that we got lost (no don't ask), we had a good time there. As you can see, Micah was pretty bundled up because of the weather (see the streaks of white snowflakes in front of his face). The boys are loving the all boys do, I understand.

I'm not one to say that "my kids' gonna be a scientist because he likes bugs" or something like that. But I will say that Noah, more than Micah, has always gravitated toward piano-type toys. Now, perhaps this will translate into a love of the piano, or maybe it will just be that he (like me) will not really try too hard and only later on in life regret the lack of real effort and time put into it.

Micah has been on a big kick lately about how strong he is. The evening of the storm we went to church (all of us) to clean and caravan back home. For about 30 minutes (and that's only as long as I noticed) Micah was pushing that red chair, the table, and another table across the room - from one end to the other - back and forth, back and forth. All the while saying, "this is so heavy" and "I'm really strong, aren't I daddy?"

This picture (and the following ones) was actually taken on the morning of Saturday the 8th. The night before we all went to Wal-Mart to, among other things, print out some pictures. Well, the photo center equipment didn't like the memory stick that I brought along, so on Saturday morning I found a way to kill three birds with one stone. I'd take the boys to Wal-Mart and (1) keep them out of Steph's hair so that she could get the birthday prep finished, (2) get the pictures printed, and (3) let the boys play on the "snow mountain" that they saw the day before. We went to the end of the parking lot where there was a virtual snow mountain range. Micah had a lot of fun climbing and sliding down, except when he did a face plant in some poudery snow (is it bad that I chuckled a bit at how cold he was and his reaction to it), and Noah picked up snow balls and tried to throw them (mostly at me). Good times.

Micah was so proud that he climbed to the top of the mountain. This wasn't his loftiest goal, but it was the one that he could attain. The other was a giant ice-ball that was on the top of another mountain that, unless I had lifted him up and kind-of tossed him to the top, he woudn't have gotten to the top of it.

When we got back, the cold boys enjoyed nodles and ham with a side of hot coco. Noah enjoyed it you can see the evidence all the way down his shirt.

Micah always wants to make a funny face, have me take a picture of it, and then see it. I tend to humor him on that one.

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